To see your free memory and other useful info in detail:
Open a DOS box Go to the directory that you want to get specific info about, or if you just want to see memory info go to any directory (I use the root).
Net work Tips
Than One Modem at a Time
Win98, WinME and Win2000) If you have two phone lines in your home and want to use them both to dial out, you can use MultiLink, which will effectively double your connection speed.
Create a dial-up connection like your normally would. Right click on the icon and select Properties Click on the Multilink tab Click on Use additional devices Click on the Add Click on the other modem you would like to use If your ISP allows, you can use the same phone number, otherwise enter an additional phone number to dial. You should now connect with both modems. You can confirm this by opening up your dial up connection in the System Tray after you connect.