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All about Hazara | Views: 10019 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-12-11 | Comments (0)

Political Leadrs of Hazara People

All about Hazara | Views: 2867 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-12-11 | Comments (0)

Best Choice of Politics

این لیست به ترتیب الفبا تنظیم شده است

All about Hazara | Views: 6408 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-12-11 | Comments (0)

The Hazaras Need Your Help!

With the recent turn of events following the sept 11 terrorist attacks on the United States, the focus of the world has shifted to Afghanistan. We have been noticing more and more that the Hazaras are being ignored by the media and by certain elements inside Afghanistan and officials from neighboring countries (Iran, Pakistan etc. ) that are trying to influence a post Taleban government.

All about Hazara | Views: 806 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-12-11 | Comments (0)

All about Hazara | Views: 803 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-12-11 | Comments (0)

All about Hazara | Views: 915 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-12-11 | Comments (0)

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