You want to make your driver's licence and save time and money? Why not exercising with a simulator anyway! Get familiar with everyday traffic conditions without risking damages and tickets. Or simply enjoy the breathtaking 3D worlds of 3D Driving-School (Auto-école 3D). Get driving experience step by step in our small town Gobesdorf:
Training ground, right before left, grant right of way, stop, driving over traffic lights, turning right and left correctly, mirror and schoulder-checks etc. Our virtual driving instructors always keep the nerves.
Drive during rain, snow, and in the night. When do I switch headlights and windscreen-wipers on? Big-city traffic in Berlin. Mixed rules with a higher traffic density; you will need the horn definitely. We also have the specified special drives: Cross-country trip on our secondary road as well as a big Europe motorway connecting Germany, France, Netherlands and Spain.
Fleet of vehicles for the different driver license classes: Class B (5 cars), class S (2 quads), class A (3 motorcycles), and A1 with our Pantheon scooter.
Most sold praxis-driving software in Germany and Europe. It may be still more? Switch on your navigation system and drive across Europe's streets: Driving on the left in London. Special signalling rules and new road signs require your whole knowledge. Defensive training in Paris - don't let yourself be provoked by our traffic-rowdies. Night journey in virtual Madrid. Virtual historical city of Ghent in Belgium with a police game for people who like faster to drive (only with flashing light, however!) You are pupils and would like to study languages? Try our native speaker for English, German, French, and Flemish.
1. Controlling the Game ---------------------------
F1: Option Menu To reassign keys and adjust Video/Sound In this dialog you will also see all other key-assignments and the corresponding joystick buttons
ESC: Scene-Selection Switch between different exercises and exit the game
2. Driving --------------------------- left/right arrow-key Steer left and right Arrow-up accelerate Arrow-down break Backspace full-break
F Automatic gear - drive forward R Automatic gear - drive in reverse P Park
3. Viewing --------------------------- Spacebar Mirror on/off Shift+left arrow look round to the left side Shift+right arrow look round to the right side End look backwards F7 Internal cockpit / external camera L Headlights on/off
4. Signalling -------------------------- Ctrl Signal left