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[ ] 2008-12-25, 8:01 AM
Teach Yourself Visually Chess

[ ] 2008-11-05, 9:21 Am

Teach Yourself Visually Chess


Teach Yourself Visually Chess
PDF | eng | 304 pages | 18.6 MB

Chess is a mental game, but you don’t have to strain your brain to learn the basics—not with this guide that shows you how to play. Teach Yourself VISUALLY Chess covers how to set up the board, how each piece moves, opening strategies and variations, attacking themes and common sacrifices, and more. Photos of the board let you see strategies in action. For hands-on practice, you can even set up your board and make your moves as you learn. With this book and practice, you’ll be saying “Checkmate” in no time.


Category: All Mix Learning books | Added by: hazarainfo
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