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[ ] 2009-02-23, 5:26 PM
Gordon Williamson: Osprey New Vanguard 050 - U-boats of the Kaiser's Navy
Gordon Williamson: Osprey New Vanguard 050 - U-boats of the Kaiser's Navy
Osprey New Vanguard 050 - U-boats of the Kaiser's Navy
Osprey Publishing | 2002-03-25 | ISBN 1841763624 | PDF | Pages 48 | 11.17 MB

As was the case in World War II, one of the greatest threats to Britain during World War I was the German U-boat menace. This book traces the development of the U-boat threat from the Brandtaucher, designed by Wilhelm Bauer, the father of the German submarine arm, in 1850, through to the commissioning of Germany's first U-boat to go into service, the U-1, in 1906. It then covers the main types of World War I U-boat, detailing the operational history of the U-boat service in depth, with a particular focus on the campaigns in the Atlantic and Mediterranean, as well as the slow build up of anti-submarine measures by the allies.

Category: All Mix Learning books | Added by: hazarainfo
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