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[ ] 2008-12-11, 3:06 AM

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این لیست به ترتیب الفبا تنظیم شده است



Aalam Misbah

Abdul Ali Mazari

The life of Abdul Ali Mazari, is a clear reflection of the lives of his people in our country's painful history. He was born to poverty and deprivation, lived as a refugee even in his own country, but died as a hero.

The exact birth date of our martyred leader is not clear, but he was born into a poor peasant family in 1325 AH (1946) in Nanvayee, a village in Charkent, Mazar-i Sharif in Balkh province. Read more...

Abdul Karim

Abdul Khaliq Hazara

عبدالخالق هزاره جوان مستعد و چهره شناخته شده سیاسی در میان هزاره های کوثته می باشد. عبدالخالق ابتداء در پُست کنسلری موقف اجتماعی اش را آزمود وبه اتفاق قریب اکثریت در این مقام از طرف مردم انتخاب گردید و بعد به مقام های بالاتر و باآخره به معاونت ناظم در سوبه بلوجستان انتخاب گردید که تا حالا دراین پُست ایفاء وظیفه می نماید

عبدالخالق دارای تحصیلات عالی است و روی زبان های انگلیسی، اردو، پشتو، بلوچی و دری که زبان مادری اش می باشد، تسلط کامل دارد و دراین زبان ها
چندین سال شاگردانش را تدریس کرده است. عبدالخالق امروز از محبوبیت قابل ملاحظه در 

میان تمام جامع بلوچستان در مجموع و هزاره های کویته به خصوصی برخوردار است



Abdul Khailq Shahid
Abdulhussain Maqsudi  

Abdullah Anwari
عبدالله انوری فرزند مرحوم حاجی محمد انور
در سال 1326 در ولسوالی جاغوری ولایت غزنی دیده به خاک جهان آشنا کرد و تحصیلات ابتدایی خویش را در همان ولسوالی سپری نمود و تحصیلات عالی خویش را در پهنتون کابل در رشته  ادبیات و علوم بشری به لسانس به پایان رسانید و در سال 1353 در وزارت مالیه شامل ماموریت دولت گردید و تا آغاز سال 1358 در آن وزارت اجرای وظیفه نمود و سپس به مجاهدین پیوست و از جمله اعضای موسس شورای اتفاق اسلامی بوده که این شورا  در سال 1358 در آغاز جهاد اسلامی در برابر نظام کمونیستی در مرکز هزاره جات ولایت بامیان تشکیل گردیده و در اولین انتخابات به حیث منشی شورا انتخات گردید و در سال 1359 در جمهوری اسلامی ایران وپاکستان از طرف شورای مذکور وظایف فرهنگی داشته و مسولیت نشریه را بنام توحید به عهده داشت در سال 1360 دوباره عازم داخل کشور گردید و به فعالیت های جهادی خود ادامه داد در داخل بیشتر مصروف امورات اداری و فرهنگی بوده وبا مجله بنام پیام مقاومت که در بخش غزنی نشر میشد همکاری داشت در سال 1371 از طرف مردم جاغوری به حیث ریس حوزه اسلامی آن ولسوالی انتخاب گردیده و در سال 1374 از طرف شورای مرکزی حزب وحدت به حیث والی ولایت غزنی مقرر گردید و تا سال 1377 که منطقه را طالبان اشغال نمود مسولیت ولایت را به عهده داشت در زماطالبان در جبهه مقاومت پیوست و بعد از کنفرانس بن در وزارت امور داخله به حیث معین ایفای وظیفه نمود و تا اوایل سال 1382 به این وظیفه ادامه داده و بعد از تا اکنون مسولیت ریست عمومی اداری آنوزارت را به عهده داردمم
تهیه شده توسط یاسین انوری ـ کابل

Abozar Ghaznawee
Akbar Khan Nargees

Akram Gizabi

Akram Yaree
Ali Jan Zahedi  
Ali Yawar Iftikhari  
Arbab M. Asif Khan  

Azizullah Shafaq


عبدالحکیم ایوبی
Abdul Hakim Ayyubi

Brief introduction of Afghanistan’s general consul in Quetta, Pakistan.

Mr.Abdul Hakim Ayyubi is one of the Hazara ethnic political leaders who joint the battle against Soviet Union invasion in Afghanistan in 1979. He joint “Jabha-e Nijat-e Melli” led by Hazrat Sibghatullah Mujaddadi one of the political and Jihadi leaders of Afghanistan. Mr.Ayyubi was appointed as Deputy of the political committee and member of the executive council of the above mentioned party. He has attended many international conferences in different countries of the world, representing the previously said party.

He belongs to Hazara ethnic. He says that he joint the party to defend the country, right of his nation and to restore democracy in Afghanistn.

When Mr.Rabbani took the power, Mr. Ayyubi was appointed the director general of gas and petroleum. When the Taliban regime emerged and occupied Afghanistan, Mr.Ayyubi once again joined the apposition alliance and started fighting against terrorism.

When the coalition forces led by America ousted the Taliban regime and Al-Qaiada from Afghanistan’s power, a democratic government was established in Afghanistan. Mr. Ayyubi is the first Hazara who was designated as a consul general of Transitional State of Afghanistan in Quetta Pakistan in 2003. It is worth mentioning that his appointment as a consul general in Quetta  has been warmly welcomed by the people here.

His struggles during Jihad against Communism and Terrorism cannot be ignored and he believes in democratic system in Afghanistan in which all the ethnic groups are privileged equally and the women are given their due rights. He believes that Hazara had been one of the deprived and oppressed ethnics that was ignored intentionally by the previous regimes and now this is the time that all the ethnics including Hazara must be given their due share otherwise Afghanistan will go back to past anarchies, civil war and never enjoy peace.


Dr. Roqaiya  
Dr. Abdulwaheed Sarabee  
Dr. Faiza Fallah  
Dr. Sadiq Muddabbir  

Dr. Sima Samar
Dr. Taleb  
Dr. Yasa  
Fatima Changezi  

G. M Musa Hazara
General Muhammad Musa Hazara

He is the oldest son of Sardar Yazdan Khan. He was a Naik (junior officer) in Hazara Pioneers and went to the Indian Miliary Academy in Dehra-Dun as a cadet and graduated with the first batch of the Indian commissioned officers. He was posted to the 6th Royal Battalion, 13th Frontier Force Rifles as a Platoon Commander in 1936. He took part in the Waziristan Operations in 1936-11938 and in World War II, where he served in North Africa. He served with distinction in the Pakistani Army and became the commander-in-chief of Pakistan Armed Forces during President Mohammad Ayub Khan’s regime (1958-1969). In 1965, Indian Army attacked West Pakistan from Lahore border, with 600 modern tanks and 5 time bigger then Pakistan Army, but the President Field Marshal M. Ayub Khan and the brave commander-in-chief General M.Musa Khan defended the country with heart and soul. The Wahaga battle field became the graveyard of Indian tanks and Indian Army left their dead bodies in Pakistan soil. That was a great tribute to the Motherland Pakistan and that battle became an example of great defend in the world history. After he retired from the army, President Ayub appointed him as Governor of West Pakistan (1967-1969) and after serving for s few years; he retired and settled in Karachi. In 1987, he was appointed as Governor of Balochistan Province by President Zia-ul-Haq. He is the author of a book, his autobiography, Jawan to General. He died 1991.


Ghulam Ali Haidery  
Ghulam Hassan Fasehi  

Haji Ali Juma
Haji Nadir Turkmani  

Haji Nasir
Haji Nasir Ali, Sobedar famous as Ghazi-e Kashmir and one of the most popular Plitical figures. He was very active in the struggle for the independece of Pakistan, and was an active member of the Muslim League Party. After the Independece, he led the Hazara trible volunteers of Kashmir. He and his Hazara young men fought galantly and he was given the honorary of "Ghazi-e Kashmir." he was a sports enthusiast and was responsible for creating an interest in sports, especially soccer among the Hazara youths. He died in early 1950.
Haji Salih M. Khan  
Hakimi Ghaznawi  

assan Reza Changezi
Hussain Alami  

Hussain Ali Yousefi
Nativity & Education:
Hussain Ali Yousafi was born in 1958.His father's name is Yousaf Ali.He passed his mitriculation from Technical High school Quetta in 1975.He cleared his F.Sc from Science College in 1978.Later on he got admission in University of Balochitan and in 1985,he completed his Degree.

He has started his social and cultural from college.He wrote various dramas,dircted and performed in those dramas.He is the first Hazaragi Drama writer.In his dramas he presented any social problem that exist in the society and he gave the solution of that problem.He also created some comedy roles that got famous among poeple.He wrote some 25 dramas, in most of them he performed himself and also gave direction of those dramas.He is a good Compaire too.Some of his famous dramas are, Azra booz kashi shooda, Maendar Khantoma, All Khatoo, Air Kattoo,and Master Alboong.He two time became the President of Hazara Students Federation.In 1987 he has also elected the Councler of Halqa 16. He is also running an English Medium School with name of Dawn Ideal School.Since 1987, he is working as Manager in Al Falah Travels.He is working in Hazaragi Program in redio Pakistan in the name of Pawan Lalai.Now a days he wants to publish Hazaragi Zerbul Masal.


عنایت الله قاسمی فرزند احمد علی قاسمی در شهر کابل دیده به جهان گشوده تحصلیلات ابتدایی خود را در لیسه کارته لکان شهر لشکر گاه آغاز نموده و بعد از آن در امریکا مهاجر شده است و سند بکلوریا را از مکتب لارنسویل شهر جرسی ایالت متحده امریکا در سال 1996 بدست آورده است بعدا لسانس خود را در رشته اقتصاد در پوهنتون بارد امریکا تکمیل نموده و در سال 2001 در اداره و تجارت از پوهنتون بالتیمور سند ماستری را بدست آورده و همچنان در همین سال دوکتورای خود را در رشته حقوق از پوهنتون مر لند حاصل نموده و در اخیر بحیث وزیر مشاور در امور حقوقی و روابط بین المللی ریاست دولت انتقالی اسلامی افغانستان ایفای وظیفه می نمود و حالا مشولیت وزارت ترانسپورت را به عهده دارد


تهیه شده توسط یاسین انوری ـ کابل

Inayatullah Qasemi  
Ishaq Akhlaqi  

Ishaq Muhammadi

Jawad Esar
Kasoom Muhammadi  
Khadim Natiqi Kiyan  
M Ali Ikhtiyar  

M Ibrahim Hazara
M. Hussain Sadiqi Nili  
Muddarris Muhammad Ali  
M Faiyaz Urozgani  

Muhammad Muhaqiq
Muhaqiq Afshar  
Mussa Juwaleezadah  
Mussa Rezaii  
M. Tahir Khan Hazara  

M. Zaman Dehqan Zadah
Niyaz Ali Yousefi (Qais)  
Professor Nazir Hussain  
Qasimi Behsud  
Rasool Barkat  
Reza Wakil  
Sardar Ishaq Khan As the youngest son of Sardar Yazdan Khan, he is represented the Hazaras of Quetta for4 many decades. He was a shrewd politician and was successful in obtaining many concessions for the Hazaras from the provincial and central governments. Before he entered politics, he was a Police officer (Sub inspector and City Inspector in 1948), a businessman and a coal mine owner. He was also a member of the West Pakistan Assembly during President Ayub’s regime (1958-1969). He was the first well known Hazara to marry a woman who was not a member of a Hazara tribe. He died in 1974.
Sardar Issa Khan
The second son of Sardar Yazdan Khan, he was the most popular leader among the common Hazaras. Though he was the owner of a coal mine and a successful business, he never hesitated to help the Hazaras. Despite the fact that he was very popular, due to his sincerity he never sought a political office. He was an active member of the Muslim League Party and took part in the struggle for Pakistan independence. He was active in the Muslim League even after the creation of Pakistan. After his father he became ill and was hospitalized, he became the undisputed leader of not only Oqi Jaghuri tribe, but of all the Hazaras. He died of a heart attack in the 1960’s. One of his sons, Sardar Nisar Ali, became the member of Provincial Assembly.

Sarwar Danish

سرور دانش فرزند محمد علی در سال 1340 خورشیدی در یک خانواده متدین در قریه اشترلی ولایت دایکندی دیده به جهان گشوده وی تحصیلات ابتدایی خود را در مکتب منطقه انجام داده اما تحصیلات عالی خویش را در مراکز مختلف انجام داده که قرار ذیل است :

عراق ، سوریه ، و ایران به بایان رسانیده است لسانس در رشته حقوق گواهی نامه در رشته ژورنالیزم لستنس در رشته ثقافت اسلامی ماستری در فقه اسلامی و دکتورای نیمه تمام در فقه اسلامی .

از سرور دانش بیشتر از 15 جلد اعم از تالیف و ترجمه به چاب رسیده و بیش از 700 مقاله در جرایت کشور به نشر رسیده در جوزای 1381 در کمیسیون تسوید قانون اساسی به فرمان ریس دولت اسلامی افغانستان :

عضویت در کمیسیون تدقیق قانون اساسی به فرمان ریس دولت شرکت در لویه جرگه قانون اساسی و در اواخر که تاسیس ولایت جدید دایکندی از طرف دولت اعلام گردید دانش از ریس دولت به حیث اولین والی در آنولایت منسوب گردید.

و حالا مسولیت وزارت عدلیه دولت اسلامی افغانستان را به عهده دارد.

معلومات مختصر در باره محترم سرور دانش .


تهیه شده توسط یاسین انوری ـ کابل

Shafaq Sarpoolee  
Shaikhzadah Ghaznawi  
Sharifi Hudqoli  
Sharifkhan Pilot  
Sher Ali Khan Jaghuri  

Sultan Ali Kishtmand
Yousef Waizee  
Yousef Zakee  
Zaki Wara  

Zafar Sharif

ظفرشریف جاغوری فرزند محمد حنیف که درحال حاضر ولسوال ولسوالی جاغوری است، متولد سال 1970 میلادی  در این ولسوالی می باشد. وی فارغ التحصیل در رشته « دسیانت» از پوهنتون حربی کابل است.  مم

ظفرشریف انسان آگاه و روشنی است و مردم جاغوری از وی در زمینه های تعمین امنیت و نقش او در این راستا کاملا راضی هستند

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