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[ ] 2008-12-11, 5:20 AM



  Support Ramazan Bashardost for the presidential campaign

 Thursday 2 October 2008



Dear countrymen!

I hope you accept my best regards from a long-distance and with the close hearts and send my hellos to other dear countrymen and to your family

With the help of God and with the people’s support we have a great chance ahead of us to not only win the presidential elections but also to turn this election to a court for the trial of national traitors, hypocrites, looters and etc.

Your support and the whole people’s support is the main factor for our victory. You can lead the campaign as you wish and based on three following points:

1- Spiritual support: to prepare plans and the recommendations of the fellow-countrymen in different fields to be included in the presidential programs and sending them to my email

2- To collect votes: in order to prevent our people from being deceived by the traders of Islam, ethnicity, ideology, region, and language.

3- To collect the financial assistances: as, fortunately, I am not wearing the slave- ring of any country, the financial helps of our dear people living abroad will be determining. If you could gather 100 $ each, it will be very important for the campaign. You could save the collected money in a bank account and then send them to my account or you could offer my bank account to the dear countrymen so that they could send the money to me directly. Below is my bank account:

Beneficiary: Ramazan Bashar Dost

Account number: 0505701000461618 AFN


Account with: Afghanistan international Bank (AIB)

Intermediate Bank: Commerz Bank


Account no: 400870105400 USD

Category: All News | Added by: hazarainfo
Views: 702 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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