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Official Embedded Theme for Windows XP and 2003

[ ] 2008-10-22, 10:36 Am
Official Embedded Theme for Windows XP and 2003

Official Embedded Theme for Windows XP and 2003 | 4.8 MB

Here is a new theme for Windows XP and 2003 users. Its called “Embedded” theme. Its an official Microsoft theme so you’ll not need to patch anything. You can apply it without any problem.

This theme has been taken from “Windows Embedded Standard CTP Refresh” and works perfectly in Windows XP and 2003.

Download following ZIP file, extract it and run the .EXE file. After that you can apply the theme from Desktop Properties. A sweet wallpaper is also included in the pack.

thems and screen savers | Views: 549 | Author: mohammad agha | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-10-25 | Comments (0)

Style XP 3.19 + 1000 Themes (Reloaded)

[ ] 2008-10-20, 11:41 Am

style xp

StyleXP 3.0 has several important bug fixes to StyleXP 2.0 related to visual styles. In addition, it now supports Boot Screens, Icon Sets, and Taskbar Transparency. You can also edit the Icon Sets to customize the icons for your own look. It has important fixes for new operating systems, and applying wallpaper. It will also soon support (version 2.1) a new themeing feature and a new resource replacement feature for even more skinning.


Zero-Footprint Operation
Native Style XP Skins
New Visual Styles
High-Resolution Functionality
ClearType & Smooth Fonts

thems and screen savers | Views: 576 | Author: mohammad agha | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-10-25 | Comments (0)

Stardock MyColors Gloss Burgundy

[ ] 2008-09-14, 2:57 Pm
Stardock MyColors Gloss Burgundy | WindowBlinds Skin | 25.9 MB

thems and screen savers | Views: 514 | Author: mohammad agha | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-10-25 | Comments (0)

MyColors Princess Desktop

[ ] 2008-09-14, 2:54 Pm
MyColors Princess Desktop
Princess Suite | Desktop Suite and WindowBlinds Skin | 9.11 MB
WBA Already activated!!!

thems and screen savers | Views: 505 | Author: mohammad agha | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-10-25 | Comments (0)

X-Zero Theme For Windows

[ ] 2008-09-13, 5:26 Pm



thems and screen savers | Views: 525 | Author: mohammad agha | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-10-25 | Comments (0)

Best 19 Themes of 2008 For Windows XP

[ ] 2008-09-09, 8:53 Am
Best 19 Themes of 2008 For Windows XP

thems and screen savers | Views: 526 | Author: mohammad agha | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-10-25 | Comments (0)

13 High Quality Themes for WindowBlinds

[ ] 2008-09-08, 8:47 Am

13 High Quality Themes for WindowBlinds

I like these themes and thought of sharing it..
And as the name suggests, u got to have WindowBlinds to use these..
Comments are welcome..

thems and screen savers | Views: 510 | Author: mohammad agha | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-10-25 | Comments (0)

Aero Shine Diamond Theme For Windows

[ ] 2008-09-07, 12:56 Pm


thems and screen savers | Views: 489 | Author: mohammad agha | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-10-25 | Comments (0)

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