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Anime Studio Pro 5.5
 Site Firewall Script 2008
Site Firewall Script 2008

Site Firewall Script 2008

About Firewall Script
Do you worry about your site's security? Has your site ever been hacked? Worry no more! FireWall Script is a PHP-based configurable firewall. Once installed, you can configure what mischievous things you want to be on the lookout for and let FireWall Script do the rest. With the logging functionality included, you can also go back and see if anyone is attempting to sidestep your rules and stay ahead of the game. Install FireWall Script, stop worrying about your site's security, and start worrying about your site. Our software now has premade rule packs for most popular pieces of software available.


What it does

It supports every PHP/MySQL script in existence
That means all forums, Blogs, Custom Scripts or anything else you can think of is covered.
Only one edit required to install.
You can install by performing just one file edit. Or if you prefer, use a .htaccess file to automatically load FWS on every page and forget file edits altogether!
100% protection guaranteed
When properly configured, FWS can block any attacks on your site, guaranteed.

Can work with any PHP script
Included admin control panel allows full configuration of the software
Support for multiple administrators. You can add, edit, and delete accounts from the admin panel.
Admin panel update notification and news feeds keep you up to date on FWS
Fully configurable DOS protection allows you to block access to your site for a user when they have multiple requests in a short period of time
Fully configurable rules
CAPTCHA support in rules allows you to show a CAPTCHA verification on any matched request
Ak****t integration allows you to do everything you can with rules when submitted text is identified as spam
Admin login logs allow you to keep track of which administrators are using the admin panel
Traffic logs for all traffic on your site (archived daily)
Blocked request logs show you what was blocked and show you everything PHP had available during the request so you can review blocked requests
Spam logs show you requests identified as spam through Ak****t
DOS logs show you requests identified as DOS attacks and subsequently blocked
Help section gives you quick access to support for the software
Specify rule title, notes and category for your own referencing and categorization
Ability to log requests blocked by rule
Ability to get email notifications for requests blocked by rules
For requests matching a rule you can allow the request, exit script execution, show an error, show specified HTML, redirect to another page, execute a custom php plugin, or even show a CAPTCHA verification
Ability to look in all PHP superglobals
Full regex power gives you the ability to look for what you want, where you want.
Category: internet softwares | Added by: hazarainfo (2009-03-05) | Author: mohammad agha
Views: 653 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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