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Sitegrinder v2.1.1
Sitegrinder v2.1.1
Sitegrinder v2.1.1 | 25 MB
Welcome to SiteGrinder 2 - A brilliant idea in web design. Right inside Photoshop, create stunning CSS-rich,
standards compliant websites using your own designs, and without writing a single line of code.
SiteGrinder2 does it all in just minutes, and even lets you build automated photo galleries,
Flash slideshows, CSS-driven menus, and so much more, into your website.
Best of all, your gorgeous designs remain looking just as you created them ... gorgeous!!!

Sitegrinder v2.1.1
Welcome to SiteGrinder 2 - A brilliant idea in web design. Right inside Photoshop, create stunning CSS-rich, standards compliant websites using your own designs, and without writing a single line of code. SiteGrinder2 does it all in just minutes, and even lets you build automated photo galleries, Flash slideshows, CSS-driven menus, and so much more, into your website. Best of all, your gorgeous designs remain looking just as you created them ... gorgeous. Here’s how it works.

Challenge: Beautifully Designed Websites Are Difficult To Create

It’s not easy to actually build a beautiful website that matches a design created in an application like Photoshop. Photoshop gives an artist total design freedom, but that’s not the case with Web code. The Web uses many confusing technologies, none of which place emphasis on design integrity. As a result, those who are good at Photoshop struggle with creating webpages, and they don’t want to spend months or years learning confusing programming code like XHTML, CSS, Javascript, and more, just to create a halfway decent looking website.

Solution: Create Webpages In Photoshop!

SiteGrinder 2 turns Adobe Photoshop into an easy-to-use and powerfull website design and production tool. It’s true! In fact, a SiteGrinder 2-equipped designer with no HTML expertise needs only their Photoshop skills to go from design concept to full deployment of a professional, standards-compliant website in just minutes with no programming whatsoever … and they do it all from within Photoshop. SiteGrinder 2 takes care of everything, even ensuring cross-platform browser compatibility. Best of all, pages created with SiteGrinder 2 retain the exact look and layout of the parent Photoshop file from which they were created.

It’s Super Easy: Name Some Layers And Create A Website

You know Photoshop. SiteGrinder 2 knows CSS, HTML, Web image formats, and much more. All you have to do is tell SiteGrinder 2 about special layers, like buttons, by adding “Hints” to your layer names. To the right you see the words “button”, “rollover”, and “popup” in the layer names.

Those are Hints, and they’re the only things required to create a website that’s as gorgeous as your design. Once you’ve added a few Hints to your layer names, just launch the SiteGrinder 2 plug-in and it’ll build your page in minutes with just a click of the mouse.

There’s nothing complicated about it. Just create your web design in Photoshop, add Hints to your layer names, and before you know it, you have a fully functional, CSS-rich, standards compliant webpage. SiteGrinder 2 does all the complicated stuff for you with just a mouse click. You can even add Flash animations, slideshows, and much more to your webpages. Doing so is a breeze. And the best part is that your gorgeous designs remain looking just as you created them … gorgeous.

Check out these top reasons for adding SiteGrinder 2 to your tools arsenal. As a SiteGrinder user you'll enjoy a wide series of training videos, extensive online documentation, a host of sample files, very responsive technical support, forums and free weekly training classes. You are not alone when using SiteGrinder. If you have questions, we have answers.

Note: This version contains the workaround enabling Sitegrinder trial version to function w/o leaving watermarked images on your output work. This plugin works only with the 32-bit version of PS.
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Category: internet softwares | Added by: hazarainfo (2009-03-05) | Author: mohammad agha
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