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Portable Halo : Combat Evolved
Portable Halo : Combat Evolved



System Requirements :

* Microsoft® Windows® 98SE/Me/XP/2000
* PC with 733 MHz equivalent or higher processor
* 128 MB of system RAM
* 1.2 GB available hard disk space
* 8x speed or faster CD-ROM drive
* 32 MB T&L capable video card required
* Sound card, speakers or headphones required for audio
* Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
* 56.6 Kbps or better modem or LAN for online play; broadband to run a server

Info :
As a first-person shooter, Halo: Combat Evolved has a gameplay fundamentally similar to that of its peers, focusing on combat in a 3D environment, and taking place almost entirely from a character's eye view. The player can move around and look up, down, left or right.The game features vehicles, ranging from armored jeeps (Warthog) to tanks (Scorpion), alien hovercraft (Ghost) and even an aircraft (Banshee), all of which can be controlled by the player. The game switches to the third-person perspective during vehicle use for pilots and mounted gun operators; passengers maintain a first-person view.
The player character is equipped with a damage-absorbing energy shield, in addition to hit points. The shield's charge appears as a blue bar in the upper-right hand corner of the game's heads-up display. When the shield is fully depleted, the player is highly vulnerable, and further damage reduces the character's health level.[9] However, the shield will recharge if no further damage is sustained for a brief period. (Works Online & LAN!)
Category: games | Added by: hazarainfo (2008-09-03) | Author: mohammad agha
Views: 596 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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