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ThemeMaker X v3.6.1
ThemeMaker X v3.6.1
ThemeMaker X v3.6.1

Requirements: WinALL
Overview: Loaded with Imaging features no other Theme making program has, ThemeMakerX allows you to create great themes faster and easier!

ThemeMaker X Features
Use the following table as a guide to help you decide if this ThemeMaker is right for you. Use the product comparison chart on the home page to compare the different ThemeMakers available.
Theme Creation & Editing
Import themes, images, colours
Main/menu image transparency adjustment
Set image quality and size
Predefined Image Sizing Feature
Builtin Help Guide
Image Import & Capture
From File, Image Editor or Selected Region
Direct from a Scanner or Digital Camera
Capture From Movie Sources or Files (AVI, MPG, WMV or MOV)
Use the unique Pan-Window Feature
Color Adjustment
Default Colour Settings
Interior Colour Setting for Major WM Applications
Colour Picker
Colour Matching & Reversing
AutoColor Feature
Devices & Screens
WM PocketPC & Smartphone
2002, 2003. 2003(SE), 5.0
Portrait, Landscape, Square
Standard, VGA, QVGA
Theme Publishing
Thumbnail previews
Print, print preview
Customized Screenshot capture
Transfer Directly to Device
Upload directly to

Image Editing
Cut, Copy, Paste, Paste to new image
Duplicate, Flip, Reverse, Rotate
Crop, Clear, Shear, Resize, Canvas Resize
Remove Redeye, Image Conversion
Image Selection
Select All, Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle
Ellipse, Freehand, Magic Wand
Invert Selection, Expand & Contract
Image Effects
Posterize, Mosaic, Blue, Sharpen
Add Noise, Emboss, Gradient Filter
Edge Detect, Oil Paint Effect, Stitch, Picturize
Color Adjustment
Grayscale, Invert, Colored Gray
Brightness, Contrast, Histogram Contrast
Hue, Saturation
Gamma Correction, Remap, Balance Colors
Paint Functions
Brush, Pen, Eraser
Fill, Gradient Fill
Color Picker
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  • Category: thems and screen savers | Added by: hazarainfo (2009-01-11) | Author: mohammad agha
    Views: 933 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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