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Portable Opera 9.60 Build 10421 Beta M.Lang

Portable Opera 9.60 Build 10421 Beta M.Lang | Size: 7.37 MB

Browsers | Views: 572 | Author: mohammad agha | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-09-21 | Comments (0)

Mozilla Firefox v3.1 Alpha 2

[ ] 2008-09-06, 1:31 Pm

Mozilla Firefox v3.1 Alpha 2


Mozilla Firefox is a fast, full-featured Web browser. Firefox includes pop-up blocking; tab-browsing; integrated Google search; simplified privacy controls; a streamlined browser window that shows you more of the page than any other browser; and a number of additional features that work with you to help you get the most out of your time online.

Version 3.0.1 is a bug-fixing release and its changes include: several security and stability issues fixed, fixed issue where the phishing and malware database did not update on first launch, updated internal Public Suffix list.



Browsers | Views: 637 | Author: mohammad agha | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-09-21 | Comments (0)

Portable Google Chrome M.Lang

Portable Google Chrome M.Lang| Size: 13.5 MB
Browsers | Views: 455 | Author: mohammad agha | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-09-21 | Comments (0)

Portable Avant Browser 11.7 Beta 6

Portable Avant Browser 11.7 Beta 6 | Size: 3.90 MB

Browsers | Views: 450 | Author: mohammad agha | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-09-21 | Comments (0)

Opera 9.52 Build 10108 RC2
Browsers | Views: 585 | Author: mohammad agha | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-09-21 | Comments (0)

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