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Secway SimpPro 2.2.15
Secway SimpPro 2.2.15
Secway SimpPro 2.2.15

You use instant messengers to chat with your friends or colleagues. Did you know that your messages are sent in cleartext over the Internet, regardless of their destination?

SimpPro secures popular instant messengers (MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, ICQ, AIM, Jabber, Google Talk ) by encrypting text messages and file transfers. SimpPro is the commercial version of SimpLite, currently used by more than 50,000 security-aware IM users worldwide.

Main SimpPro features:

  • Encrypts IM text messages before they leave your computer
  • Protects MSN Messenger and ICQ/AIM file transfers
  • Personal, small business and corporate use
  • Full compatibility with popular IM networks, clients and with SimpLite

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  • Category: Messanger | Added by: hazarainfo (2009-01-30) | Author: mohammad agha
    Views: 857 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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