JDownloader is a program for automatic uploading for following exchangers: RapidShare.com, RapidShare.de, depositfiles.com, filefactory.com, uploaded.to, megaupload.com, megashares.com, vip-file.com, upshare.net, youtube.com, myvideo.de, imagefap.com, files.to etc. Changes: New: linkshare.org correction (decrypter): rlslog correction (decrypter): gwarez correction (decrypter): shareonline.biz (hoster) New: sharebase.to (payment) correction: turkish, Dutch, furnish the German (translation) New: rapidshare.mu correction (decrypter) New: the improved integration mac os (adaptive) New: linkcrypt.ws (decrypter): sexuria.com (decrypter) New: rapidfolder.com correction (decrypter) New: premiumcollector (addon): trayicon (linux adaptive): rapidsafe.de (preventive) Correction: fast-load.net (hoster) New: fast-load.net freeticket New: spiegel.de (decrypter) New: auto-load-dir New: children-themes (addon) Correction: after high-speed correction of loading: auto correction The Choice of language is carried out by means of the button F11 Language of the interface: Russian / Multilanguage OC: Windows 2000/XP/Vista The size of archive: 21,9 Mb