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Shani : Velvet

Date added: 4/26/2005
Genre: Pop
Category: Persian

01 - Gole Gooldon [24Kps]
02 - Soghati (Remix) [24Kps]
03 - Tsagheekner [24Kps]
04 - Destiny [24Kps]
05 - It s Over [24Kps]
06 - Face To Face [24Kps]
07 - From Here To Beyond [24Kps]
08 - Come To You [24Kps]
09 - Soghati [24Kps]
10 - Gole Goldoon (Remix) [24Kps]

Shani | Views: 512 | Date: 2008-12-13 | Comments (0)

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