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Holy Quran pdf/PDF
Islamic | Views: 1056 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-12-22 | Comments (0)

All Holy Quran by Sheikhs Sudaiss and Shuraim



After the Whole Quran by Cheikh AbdelBasset AbdelSamad, here a recitation by Sheikhs Sudaiss and Shuraim, Imams of the Holy mosques of Mecca and Medinah. Bonus track, like they say, the prayer of the end of al hadj. I enclosed Quran in PDF format to follow the recitation with reading. All is in Arabic.



Islamic | Views: 1050 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-12-21 | Comments (0)

Islamic | Views: 1744 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-12-12 | Comments (0)

Islamic | Views: 1072 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-11-17 | Comments (0)

Islamic | Views: 1090 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-11-17 | Comments (0)

Islamic | Views: 1110 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-11-17 | Comments (0)

Islamic | Views: 1034 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-11-17 | Comments (0)

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