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[ ] 2009-02-23, 5:23 PM
Hank Meyne Scott Davis Hank Meyne Scott Davis: Developing Web Applications with ASP.NET and C#
Hank Meyne Scott Davis Hank Meyne Scott Davis: Developing Web Applications with ASP.NET and C#
Developing Web Applications with ASP.NET and C#
Wiley | April 22, 2002 | ISBN 047112090 | PDF | Pages 448 | 2 MB

Learn how to create the basic, dynamic, and advanced ASP.NET pages in C#
Packed with tips, tricks, and workarounds, this book covers every aspect of developing a Web application for the enterprise using ASP.NET and C#. Written by Microsoft insiders, it shows readers how to create the basic, dynamic, and advanced ASP.NET pages in Microsoft's new C# programming language, and explains how to interact with the database using ADO.NET.
The authors review how to transport and display data on the Internet or an Intranet using XML, objects, and Web services. They also explain how to implement security with authentication, integrate important e-commerce issues, and optimize the ASP.NET Web application for optimal performance.
Companion Web site features complete source code samples for the applications developed and explained in the book.
Microsoft Technologies
.NET Platform: The next big overhaul to Microsoft's technologies that will bring enterprise distributed computing to the next level by fully integrating the Internet into the development platform. This will allow interaction between any machine, on any platform, and on any device.
Visual Basic.NET: The update to this popular visual programming language will offer greater Web functionality, more sophisticated object-oriented language features, links to Microsoft's new common runtime, and a new interface.
ASP.NET: A programming framework (formerly known as Active Server Pages) for building powerful Web-based enterprise applications; can be programmed using VB.NET or C#.
C#: Microsoft's new truly object-oriented programming language that builds on the strengths of C++ and the ease of Visual Basic; promises to give Sun's Java a run for its money.

From the Back Cover
Learn how to create an entire suite of enterprise applications with ASP.NET and C#

ASP.NET is a vast improvement over Microsoft’s popular Web technology, Active Server Pages (ASP). And, when combined with C#, Microsoft’s new and powerful programming language, ASP.NET provides developers with a robust framework for enterprise-level applications. In this book, Microsoft insiders Hank Meyne and Scott Davis cover every aspect of how to develop an ASP.NET application for the enterprise using C# as the programming language. After a brief overview of the .NET Framework, they walk you step by step through the application–– from building the object model to implementing security to enhancing the ASP.NET Web application for optimal performance.

Filled with tips, tricks, and workarounds that stem from their own real-world experiences, this book covers how to:

    * Utilize server controls including postback, data binding, RadioButton, and CompareValidator
    * Interact with the database using ADO.NET
    * Develop more advanced ASP.NET pages using cookies and form collections
    * Create, publish, and use powerful XML Web Services
    * Implement powerful user authentication and security features to enhance your applications
    * Integrate important e-commerce features such as shipping calculations, address verification, and e-mail notification
    * Optimize an ASP.NET application using caching and performance profiling

The companion Web site contains the complete source code from the book as well as links to other .NET resources and ASP.NET sites on the Web.

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