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More Adcance Learning HTML
computer Ebooks learning | Views: 1027 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: agha12 | Date: 2009-10-09 | Comments (0)

html learning for all
computer Ebooks learning | Views: 1228 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: agha12 | Date: 2009-10-09 | Comments (0)

html learning for all
computer Ebooks learning | Views: 971 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: agha12 | Date: 2009-10-09 | Comments (0)



1000 Photoshop Tricks


Worth 1000 Photoshop Tricks

Worth 1000 Photoshop Tricks is one of the best books you can have about photoshop, written by an expert designer.
Description: This book contains 1000 cool photoshop effects and tutorials. Pictures are included along the way, along with descriptive explanations of each step.

computer Ebooks learning | Views: 1079 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2009-03-22 | Comments (0)


computer Ebooks learning | Views: 799 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2009-02-23 | Comments (1)

what is packaging design (cover)

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Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet

computer Ebooks learning | Views: 871 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2009-02-23 | Comments (0)

Hank Meyne Scott Davis Hank Meyne Scott Davis: Developing Web Applications with ASP.NET and C#

computer Ebooks learning | Views: 752 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2009-02-23 | Comments (0) Introduction To Flash CS4 DVD [Tutorial]

[ ] Yesterday, 6:32 Pm Introduction To Flash CS4 DVD [Tutorial] | 1,3 GB 
Trainer: Craig Campbell | Running Time: 12 hours, 11 minutes | For Windows and Mac

In this video, Flash guru Craig Campbell will take you on a tour of Flash CS4 Professional. You'll learn how to use Flash's drawing tools, how to create simple and complex animations, how to build a basic website, and how to incorporate sound and video into your Flash files. 

Detailed Video Descriptions

* 01 – Introduction (Running Time: 1:06)
* 02 – Project Files (Running Time: 1:02)
In this video, Craig discusses how the project files will be used in this video series.
* 03 – The Welcome Screen (Running Time: 3:25)
When you initially open Flash, you will be greeted with a welcome screen that provides links for creating new files, opening existing files, opening recently used files, creating files from templates, etc.
* 04 – The Workspace (Running Time: 6:36)
In this video, Craig will take you on a tour of the Flash CS4 workspace.
* 05 – Customizing Your Workspace (Running Time: 11:25)
If you don’t like the default Flash workspace, then in this video, Craig will show you how to select from multiple layout presets as well as how to customize your own layout.
* 06 – Customizing the Toolbar (Running Time: 3:15)
In Flash, you can easily customize your toolbar in order to add/remove tools or to group tools together.
* 07 – Flash File Types (Running Time: 7:58)
When working with Flash, it is essential to understanding the different file types associated with the program. In this video, Craig will give you an overview of these files and their purposes.
* 08 – The Selection Tool (Running Time: 8:25)
The Selection Tool allows you to select, move, and modify shapes and objects on the stage. In this video, you’ll learn some of the basics for using this tool.
* 09 – The Lasso Tool (Running Time: 4:39)
The Lasso Tool is used for free-form selections, and in this video, Craig will demonstrate how to use it.
* 10 – The Hand and Zoom Tools (Running Time: 5:48)
In this lesson, Craig demonstrates how to use the Hand and Zoom tools to navigate around the stage.
* 11 – Strokes and Fills (Running Time: 13:13)
In Flash, shapes are made up of strokes and fills, each of which has its own set of properties.
* 12 – The Rectangle Tool (Running Time: 6:37)
In this video, you’ll learn how to create rectangles and rounded rectangles using the Rectangle Tool.
* 13 – Rectangle Primitives (Running Time: 4:57)
Rectangle primitives are rectangles that allow you to continue making changes to the roundness of the corners after the shape has already been drawn.
* 14 – The Oval Tool (Running Time: 6:41)
This lesson demonstrates how to draw ovals, circles, donuts, and pie shapes using the Oval Tool in Flash.
* 15 – Oval Primitives (Running Time: 3:28)
Similar to the Rectangle Primitive Tool, the Oval Primitive Tool creates ovals and circles with inner radius and angle properties that can be changed after the shape has already been drawn.
* 16 – The PolyStar Tool (Running Time: 5:46)
The PolyStar tool is used for drawing polygons and stars, and in this video, Craig will demonstrate the options for this tool.
* 17 – The Line Tool (Running Time: 3:24)
In this video, Craig will demonstrate how to draw lines with the Line Tool.
* 18 – The Pencil Tool (Running Time: 7:15)
The Pencil Tool is a freeform tool for drawing strokes, and in this video, Craig will demonstrate how to use it.
* 19 – The Pen Tool (Running Time: 7:10)
The Pen Tool allows you to draw strokes using anchor points and bezier curves. In this video, Craig will demonstrate how to use the Pen Tool as well as the other tools associated with it.
* 20 – The Brush Tool (Running Time: 9:34)
The Brush Tool allows you to paint free-form fills onto the stage, and in this video, Craig will discuss the many options associated with using the Brush Tool.
* 21 – Object Drawing Mode (Running Time: 7:46)
Object drawing mode allows you to draw shapes that are grouped so that they don’t interfere with other shapes on the stage.
* 22 – Modifying Shapes with the Selection Tool (Running Time: 8:54)
In this video, we’ll learn how to use the selection tool to modify raw shapes.
* 23 – Modifying Shapes with the Subselection Tool (Running Time: 6:05)
The subselection tool allows you to modify the anchor points and curves of a shape.
* 24 – The Free Transform Tool (Running Time: 10:59)
This tool allows you to distort, resize, and rotate your shapes.
* 25 – Position and Size (Running Time: 6:33)
This video shows you how to apply simple transformations using the Properties Panel.
* 26 – The Transform Panel (Running Time: 7:53)
This panel allows you to create some more advanced transformations to your objects.
* 27 – The Align Panel (Running Time: 9:20)
The Align Panel allows you to align your shapes, distribute them evenly, and match their sizes.
* 28 – Intersecting Shapes (Running Time: 11:45)
In Flash, when you put one raw shape on top of another, it will cut away the parts of the shape that are intersecting. In this video, Craig will show you how to use this functionality to create complex shapes.
* 29 – Converting Lines to Fills (Running Time: 6:21)
Sometimes it’s easier to work with a shape if you can convert your strokes into fills. In this video, Craig will illustrate a couple of examples of how this can be advantageous.
* 30 – Color Selectors (Running Time: 4:09)
In this video, Craig explains the options associated with the color selector located in the Properties Inspector.
* 31 – The Color Swatches Panel (Running Time: 9:45)
The color swatches panel is similar to the color picker, but with some extra functionality that Craig will teach you about in this video.
* 32 – The Paint Bucket Tool (Running Time: 5:54)
The paint bucket tool allows you to add and alter fills for shapes.
* 33 – The Ink Bottle Tool (Running Time: 4:59)
The ink bottle tool allows you to add and alter strokes for shapes.
* 34 – The Eye Dropper Tool (Running Time: 4:08)
The eyedropper tool allows you to select colors from objects on the stage and apply those colors to other objects.
* 35 – Gradients (Running Time: 8:51)
A gradient is a special kind of fill that fades from one color to another. In this video, Craig will show you how to create gradients in Flash using the Color Panel.
* 36 – Transforming Gradients (Running Time: 6:02)
In this video, Craig shows you a few different options for customizing and transforming your gradients using the Color Panel and the Gradient Transform Tool.
* 37 – Gradient Overflow (Running Time: 4:32)
Gradient overflow is a property in the Color Panel that determines how the ends of a gradient behave if the gradient itself is smaller than the shape to which it has been applied.
* 38 – Using Layers (Running Time: 12:52)
Layers allow you to separate your content into managable stacks, and in this video, Craig will demonstrate how to create, rename, delete, and group layers together in the Flash timeline.
* 39 – The Text Tool (Running Time: 17:02)
In this video, Craig demonstrates the basics of using the Text Tool in Flash to create static text fields.
* 40 – Importing Images (Running Time: 3:25)
Importing images into Flash is a very simple operation, and in this video, Craig will show you how it’s done.
* 41 – Masks (Running Time: 7:47)
- A mask allows you to conceal and reveal selected parts of a layer, and in this video, Craig will unlock the mystery behind creating and using masks.
* 42 – Bitmap Fills (Running Time: 8:12)
Flash allows you to use bitmap images to fill your shapes, and in this video, Craig will show you how.

In this lesson, Craig explains the basics of publishing your Flash movie so that it’s viewable in a browser. He also enumerates all of the files that will need to be uploaded to the web server once you’re ready to go live.
* 100 – Conclusion (Running Time: 0:50)

computer Ebooks learning | Views: 822 | Downloads: 0 | Added by: hazarainfo | Date: 2008-12-25 | Comments (0)

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